As a journalist

  • ... I write profiles and interviews of people in politics, business and culture globally.
  • ... my special field is Eastern Europe, especially Russia.
  • ... I publish my articles in Cicero, a political culture magazine (German language) , in Handelsblatt, the leading German economic newspaper, in Tagesspiegel, in Die Zeit, Die Welt, Berliner Morgenpost, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, B.Z. Berlin and others.

As a writer

  • ... of commissioned pieces I explore people and their lives, in lively debate or in tracing their steep career paths
  • ... I explore and unpick contemporary social debates
  • ... I convey complex issues in short, clear and vivid language.
  • ... I write speeches for high profile figures in politics, culture and business.

As a partner for German

...I convey my excellent German language skills and I support you in a wide range of professional matters concerning the German language. I am an experienced DaF-Teacher (DaF: German as a foreign language), certified by the Goethe Institute.

My mother tongue is German and I speak English, Russian, Spanish and French fluently. I have worked as a journalist in these languages; interview areas include politics, economics and culture.

Thus, I am fully aware of the challenges - and joys - of working in a foreign language.

  • ++ los geht es
  • ++ unter vier Augen
  • ++ Massendemonstration
  • ++ sei doch still
  • ++ Krawalltante
  • ++ zähe Verhandlungen
  • ++ endgültiges Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts
  • ++ ins Abseits geraten
  • ++ über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh
  • ++ der letzte Schrei
  • ++ Ottos Mops trotzt
  • ++ ehrbarer Kaufmann
  • ++ per E-Mail schicken
  • ++ teurer Spaß
  • ++ Berliner Schnauze
  • ++ denglisch
  • ++ Mischpoke
  • ++ nach den Sternen greifen
  • ++ erlauben Sie mir eine Frage
  • ++ abenteuerliche Zustände